American Pioneer &
Cemetery Research Project
Version 032308
This historic Pioneer
Cemetery is well
preserved and maintained by local ranchers and residents. Many interesting
pioneers are interred here. Heritage runs deep with families that opened this
area to ranching, mining, dam building, and forestry.
One such individual is the Al Francis of Fort Misery
fame, Fort Misery
is on Humbug Creek south of Bradshaw
City, The Tiger Mine and Oro
Belle. In Al’s later years he was employed by James Minotto
a local rancher in the area at the time, as a teamster, died of an unknown causes
while working for Minotto and is buried in the Walnut
Grove Cemetery.

Layout of some of the known Graves at the Walnut Grove
Cemetery. It is possible an additional 30 to 50
graves are unidentified – research continues.
Walnut Grove
Cemetery Layout Courtesy: Michael and Ella McCracken

Walnut Grove Cemetery 2008
Photo by: Neal Du Shane
Another notable is one of several survivors of Custer’s Last
Stand. Research indicates there were arguably ten that survived, although they
were not on the fateful ridge standing shoulder to shoulder with Custer but
none the less involved in the general battle. According to local rancher Tripp
Carter his Grandfather told him of this grave but Tripp didn’t remember the
person’s name. Our research leads us to believe we have identified his grave
site and his name was John D. Lindsay who was a scout for the 7th Calvary, was wounded and survived. John D. Lindsey was
employed as a ranch hand at the time of his passing and was interred in the Walnut Grove

Walnut Grove
Photo by: Neal Du Shane
Pauline Weaver resided at Walnut Grove for a short time. Arizona’s notable pioneer Jack Swilling,
also resided here with his wife Trinidad and
family. Jack was credited with saving the lives of miners ambushed by Indians
near Turkey Creek to the east of Crown King. It always amazes me the motility
these Pioneers exhibited considering their only means of transportation was
walking or horse.
Today the old Walnut
Grove School
and church are still being used to limited extent by local residents.
Other notable activities in the area, was the building of
the Walnut Grove Dam to supply water power for the mining activities down
stream a few miles. The concept was to high pressure wash the Hassayampa River banks with this water to extract
the perceived gold and precious metals. Fate stepped in and lack of proper engineering
caused the dam to fail on February 22, 1890 and caused flooding and deaths as
far away as Morristown and Seymour.
Historic Pictures of Lake Walnut Grove represent a tranquil
peaceful mountain retreat. According to research, this area was summer haven
for mothers with children with medical issues. They would bring their children
to this area and would spend their summer in the Wagoner and Walnut Grove to
avoid the blistering heat of the desert
of Phoenix.

Photo courtesy: Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper
Research at the cemetery identified from 30 to 50 unmarked
and unidentified graves. With the limited time we had during this visit with
the other work we were performing, indications are that some of the
unidentified graves are Mexican and Chinese individuals that were working on
the Walnut Grove Dam and died for various reasons. Logically this indicates
they were transient in nature and did not have had family or friends to
identify their grave with a stone marker. A wooden cross may have been placed
at their head but these have long since decayed and vanished.
While there is another cemetery on the Wagoner Road farther East, one mile past
the Ghost Town of Wagoner, it is believed the majority of these graves are of
the children that came to the area with their mothers in the summers and
perished due to poor health. One would also have to assume some of the Walnut
Grove Dam workers were also buried in the Wagoner Cemetery.
The Wagoner Cemetery is been desecrated with
speculators looking for precious metals and only one grave is still visible
with a headstone. It is believe there is up to 100 plus graves at this
cemetery. This information is subject to change with further research of the
ground and cemetery by APCRP.
There is a continuing effort to clean the Walnut Grove
Cemetery and remove some
of the overgrowth that is covering and hiding graves. The local historical society
has volunteered to remove the overgrowth and work on making headstones for the
graves that no longer and very likely, never had markers.
Travel north from Yarnell to
approximately a quarter mile before Kirkland Junction. Turn east on Wagoner Road and
follow this road several miles to the Gold Bar Ranch. Turn right into the ranch
and stop at the house to request permission to proceed further. Follow their
directions to the cemetery.
This Cemetery is on private property. Do not trespass – Stop at the Gold Bar ranch and get permission to visit
this beautiful historic Pioneer
American Pioneer &
Cemetery Research Project
Version 032308
Neal Du Shane